Master your Passivhaus skills

PHPP Expert - Classroom Course

Join us for three full days of knowledge on non-residential Passivhaus buildings with workshops on DesignPH, PHPP 10 and advanced Thermal Bridges in 2D and 3D.

Manchester, 4th-6th December 2024

PHPP Expert Course - Manchester March 2023
PHPP Expert Course - Manchester December 2024*

​Course Structure

This accredited course consists of fives modules, practical workshops, and an exam preparation exercise. The contents of this course produced with material from the Passive House Institute include the following:

① Refresher online module (6 h - online)

This on-demand module allows the participant to refresh PHPP concepts and introduce the Passivhaus Designer to the new changes adopted in the PHPP 10 energy balance simulation software.

② Advanced PHPP for non-residential (8 h - day 1)

In this in-class module, you will learn advanced PHPP concepts for more com­plex office and school buildings. Ev­al­u­at­e ef­fi­ciency op­tions with the vari­ant cal­cu­la­tions and learn how to pre-cer­ti­fy­ step-by-step ret­ro­fits!

③ 3D Modelling with DesignPH 2 (8 h - day 2)

In this in-class module, you will learn best practise in DesignPH to get pre­lim­in­ary en­ergy bal­ances and op­tim­ise the build­ing be­fore ex­port­ing the data to the PHPP 10. Furthermore, you will learn how to import from the .ppp format to PHPP.

A student version of DesignPH will be provided. For commercial work with PHPP and DesignPH, a PHPP and DesignPH license must be purchased separately. We offer a heavily discounted license of the DesignPH 2 together with the course.

④ Advanced thermal bridge assessment (8 h - day 3)

In the last in-class module, you will learn in-depth know­ledge of thermal bridges and how to cal­cu­late these weak points with Flixo.

We will provide you with valuable templates for Passivhaus reports. Furthermore, we will showcase some common point thermal bridges values and calculation reports with the software Heat3.

⑤ School building PHPP project homework assessment (24 h - online)

This module is compulsory if you plan to take the PHPP Ex­pert ex­am. Can­did­ates must com­plete an as­sign­ment (set­ting up a full PHPP for a school build­ing), which will be is­sued to you at the end of day 3.

CPD Points for Tradesperson/Designer

Get additional CP for the renewal of your CPHD/C certificate

This PHPP10 Expert course is recognised by PHI as further education training for Certified Passivhaus Designers/Consultants and Certified Passivhaus Tradesperson with 24 training credit points to renew your PHI certificate!

Please write to for further information.

Certified PHPP Expert Exam

The Passive House Institute has extended the existing training and certification system for Designers and Tradespeople to acknowledge the further education of professional groups and the activities that are important for the design and construction of Passivhaus buildings.

The ex­am lasts two hours and con­sists of two parts: Mul­tiple choice tasks and prac­tic­al in­put in PHPP-like tables. The exam has limited seating for 16 people only.

PHI exam fees £395 + VAT.

Exam: Online, Date 22nd January 2025

*The course will be confirmed at least two weeks before the scheduled start date.

Prerequisites and audience

The course is a natural next step for Certified Passive House Designers or Consultants with some experience on projects and for those practitioners interested in obtaining advanced PHPP knowledge.

Please note that your certificate will be extended for another five years after passing the examination.

Your instructor

​​Jesus Menendez

His professional and academic experience includes consultancy, civil engineering, authoring technical papers and articles, course provider and visiting lecturer, and has conducted past research at UK and NZ Universities. He also has a deep knowledge of non-destructive testing and is partnered with Blowerdoor GmbH and Greenteg.

‍Jesus, as the director of Zero Energy, provides Passivhaus building certification, testing and training services to the building sector worldwide. Before setting up the company, Jesus worked as a structural engineer for CLT and Timber Frame structures. The connection to Passivhaus came with completing a PhD in Low-energy and Passivhaus Timber Frame Buildings.

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